Pure JS Mousetip v2.1.3

A pure javascript solution for creating tooltips that follow your mouse


2.1.3 - Security Vulnerability Fixes

This patch update includes updated dependencies due to isses with Lodash < 4.17.11. Here's the details:

  • Updated gulp-babel, gulp-header, gulp-inject-string, gulp-rename, gulp-uglify, and gulp-uglifyes to their latest versions
  • Swapped babel-core and babel-preset-env with @babel/core @babel/preset-env, which required updating the Babel RC file

2.1.2 - Gulp Watch Fix

Another minor update in the same day? Yeah, I made a mistake; Here's what I fixed:

  • The build-system's gulp watch task is now working

2.1.1 - Security Vulnerability Fixes

This minor update includes some fixes related to security vulnerabilities! Here's the details:

  • Gulp was updated to 4.0 to fix security vulnerabilities
  • The build-system was restructured to work with the new version of Gulp

2.1.0 - CommonJS & ES2015 Modules

This version now includes CommonJS & ES2015 modules to more easily include Pure JS MouseTip into your projects! Here's the details:

  • Modules can be found in the dist/modules directory
  • The CommonJS module exports the class as: module.exports = MouseTip;
  • The ES2015 module exports the class as: export default MouseTip;


mousetip-msg="Test message!"

mousetip-pos="top left"



Uh Oh!

This library is intended for dekstop use only, as it requires a mouse cursor to work. Go check this site out on a desktop computer for a demo. Sorry for the inconvenience!